Author page: Nzyoka Nguutu


Grammys Adds ‘Best African Music Performance’ Category

Grammys Adds ‘Best African Music Performance’ Category

One step at a time… I guess!  It’s no secret that for many years the Recording Academy, commonly known as the Grammys, has regrettably overlooked the inclusion of African artists within its illustrious award ceremonies. Traditionally, these artists have been grouped together under the generic label of ‘global music’. African music genres, such as Soukous, Makosa, Afrobeats, Amapiano, Juju, Fuji,…

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Dutch Archaeologists Banned from Excavating Saqqara Necropolis in Egypt

Dutch Archaeologists Banned from Excavating Saqqara Necropolis in Egypt

A team of archaeologists has been barred from conducting excavations in Egypt’s renowned Saqqara necropolis, a significant burial ground located south of Cairo and home to the Egypt’s oldest pyramid, due to a contentious exhibition which sparked condemnation from Egyptian Authorities. This ban adds onto the ongoing debate surrounding the portrayal of ancient Egypt and its cultural heritage. The ban…

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Yo-Yo Ma’s Epic Musical Marathon Finale in Nairobi

Yo-Yo Ma’s Epic Musical Marathon Finale in Nairobi

In a world often marred by shadows’ might, classical melodies emerge. They are beacons of light caressing souls and igniting our imaginations, temporarily freeing us from trouble’s grip. Yo-Yo Ma! The Grammy award winning renowned cellist was here and he put our souls at ease at the Kenya National Theatre on June 7, 2023 leaving those who attended forever enchanted.…

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Kyallo Kulture: A Kenyan Reality Show Filled with Sass and Showstopper Moments!

Kyallo Kulture: A Kenyan Reality Show Filled with Sass and Showstopper Moments!

Stream it or Skip it? Kyallo Kulture is a Reality TV show featuring the Kyallo sisters: Betty Kyallo, Mercy Kyallo, and Gloria Kyallo. The show delves into their personal lives, highlighting various issues such as heartbreak, business, fame, family and womanhood giving us a deeper understanding of the Kyallo sisters’ lives beyond what we think we know based on social…

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