Monthly Archives: July 2023


Swahili; First African Language on Google Bard

Swahili; First African Language on Google Bard

Google announced the expansion of Bard, its conversational AI service, to 40 new languages including Swahili – the first African language to be included and 59 new countries and territories. The expansion includes new features that allow users to better customize their experience, boost their creativity, and get more done. With the expansion, Bard is now available in most of…

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TECNO x VOGUE  Fashion Film ‘Style in Motion’ is Redefining Fashion Narratives

TECNO x VOGUE  Fashion Film ‘Style in Motion’ is Redefining Fashion Narratives

Global and local fashion shows often have many photo opportunities and in today’s world of content creation and story telling the opportunities are endless. It’s exciting for professionals as well as non professionals to capture part of their lives and share that with the rest of the world. TECNO and Vogue did just that, through the lens of Aria ShahrokhshahI,…

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Fashion and AI; We Should All Be Talking About This!

Fashion and AI; We Should All Be Talking About This!

Nigerian visual artist Malik Afegbua has captured the attention of the world with his recent fashion show titled ‘The Elder Series’ in an effort to challenge stereotypes surrounding the elderly and to amplify the under-represented African faces and bodies in the fashion industry. What is interesting about this fashion show is that it never actually happened. Afegbua harnessed the capabilities…

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