Online fashion eCommerce platform Shop Zetu hosted an industry breakfast to bring together a wide range of stakeholders in the fashion industry to discuss how the industry can work together better in support of Kenyans wearing Kenyan. According to a recent study by the British Council, “the Kenyan fashion market has been described as complex, …
Online fashion eCommerce platform Shop Zetu hosted an industry breakfast to bring together a wide range of stakeholders in the fashion industry to discuss how the industry can work together better in support of Kenyans wearing Kenyan. According to a recent study by the British Council, “the Kenyan fashion market has been described as complex, and hard to figure out and satisfy.” This presents a great challenge and a massive opportunity across the value chain.
Present at the event held on 18th July at Sarova Panafric were industry experts, fashion designers, fashion stylists and other stakeholders.

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