

An African Christmas

An African Christmas

If you are looking to have your Christmas decorations really stand out this year, why not try some African Adornment made my local artisans? These pieces will not only be a great conversation starter, but will also bring in the essence of creativity and appreciation of Modern African Culture right into your home! The African Christmas Tree Whether you are…

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5 African Island Destinations to Try

5 African Island Destinations to Try

SMALL COUNTRIES, BIG TOURISM As luck or nature would have it, the smallest countries in Africa are also the most beautiful and have a robust and growing tourism economy. Looking for holiday destinations to add to your bucket list? We suggest you add these island countries as a must-visit. SYCHELLES Seychelles is an archipelago of 155 islands with an additional…

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A Brief History on The Congolese Sapeurs

A Brief History on The Congolese Sapeurs

THE ART OF LA SAPE A La Sape enthusiast is called a Sapeur and the movement is called Sapeurism (La Sapologe). La Sape is an abbreviation based on the phrase Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes (loosely translated to Society of Ambiance-Makers and Elegant People). Sapeurism is a cult-like love for extravagant fashion and style amongst the – mostly…

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The First Women-Only Hotel Wing

The First Women-Only Hotel Wing

Somewhere in the heart of Nairobi, conveniently located just outside the Central Business District lies the iconic Sarova Panafric Hotel. The hotel which opened its doors in January 1965 was inaugurated the First President of Kenya, H. E. Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and in the spirit of bringing Africans together was aptly named PanAfric Hotel. 57 years on, The Sarova Panafric…

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THE African Heritage Models

THE African Heritage Models

African Heritage became the epitome of art and culture in Africa through their exquisite works of art, jewellery inspirations and African inspired fashion. In the 70’s, there were a couple of European designers in Kenya making modern clothes for the European community. They would, from time to time, hold fashion shows for their clients, using only European models, but not…

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Vanishing Textiles of Africa

Vanishing Textiles of Africa

In Alan Donovan’s Textile Heritage Collection, he reiterates the opinions of many, that ‘Africa has contributed a rich legacy to the world of art, but it is in the fields of sculpture and textiles that its contribution has been the richest. Textiles in Africa are a major art form leading to prestige for the weaver or dyer, as well as…

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